Creating Balance with Furniture and Flooring

If you’ve ever walked into a room that seemed to tilt to one side despite the floor being perfectly level, you’ve witnessed a classic interior decorating mistake – a lack of balance. Our eyes assign different weights to objects depending on their size. We base these visual weights on aspects like the size, tone, and color of an object. Larger objects have a heavier visual weight than smaller objects.

How do you create balance in a space?

It starts by acknowledging the visual weight of each element in a room. Like furnishings, we assign visual weights to every component of a room. From doorways to built-in bookshelves and window treatments, certain aspects of a space can look heavier or softer depending on the visual weight we assign to them. When decorating a space, it’s important to consider the way these visual weights work together. Find a home for larger individual pieces first, then fill in the gaps with smaller items and accessories to create the perfect visual balance. To further that balance, it’s also important to create a focal point or center of interest in a space. This can be a fireplace, a large or interesting piece of furniture, a decorative wall piece, or even window treatments.

Flooring is another major consideration when creating balance in a room. They are a permanent fixture in a space – one that is changed less easily and less often as other elements – so it’s important to choose wisely. Similarly, the cost and installation fees are substantial when it comes to flooring, so consider all of the ways you might use the space now and in the future before making a decision.

To choose the flooring that’s right for you, consider:

  • What you’re willing to invest
  • The lifespan of the floor covering you’ll choose
  • Your lifestyle and what flooring will pair best with it

Contact us today to learn more about creating balance in your home!

Dover Interior Designer